Shropshire Hills Federation - Chirbury, Norbury, Stiperstones

Class 4 Norbruy & Stiperstones (CE) - Years 5 & 6

Mrs Claire Morris

Mr Jim Mann

Teaching Assistant: 

Mrs Katie Owen
Ms Bethan Sumpter





Class Four is home to our Year 5 and 6 children, who take on an increasing level of responsibility in school. The children enjoy a very active role as school councillors, librarians and eco-warriors, as well as Year Six running their own business: the popular monthly Brew with a View café. We enjoy reading: we have a plethora of high-quality texts we use as class reads and make sure we have story time every day. Our writing is inspired by the books we read; the trips we take; and the practical projects we are involved in. Our trips have included visits to Blists Hill Victorian Town, Cosford Air Museum; The Spaceguard Centre; and St. Chad’s Church. We always look forward to our annual residential trips to either Llain to immerse ourselves in outdoor and adventurous activities such as sailing, paddle boarding, canoeing and much more, or to Liverpool to experience life in a city. During the autumn term we enjoy our weekly trip to the Stiperstones site where we build DT projects in our purpose-built classroom; create culinary delights in our teaching kitchen; and ride our mountain bikes through the challenging terrain of the Shropshire Hills. These trips give us the opportunity to apply the learning we do in our well-equipped classroom at the Norbury site: we have even used trigonometry to help us create a triangular front on the remote-controlled cars we built.


Each year, Year Six build a battery powered ‘Goblin Car’ and take it out to events to climb in and race. We are also able to participate in sports activities with other schools, such as grass track racing, cross country and football. Most children in our class will tell you how much they love our Rock Band Club. Children learn to play the drums and keyboard with their friends and share their performances regularly. Curriculum music lessons also give us the chance to play the clarinet and glockenspiel.


We take part in a wide range of transition activities with both The Community College, Bishops Castle and Mary Webb School and Science College. The class is taught by Mrs Morris for two days per week, Mr Mann for three days per week, and ably supported by Mrs Owen. We are very proud of the resilience and independence the children develop in these older primary years.